
Isuzu GIGA FRR and FVC harga indonesia

Isuzu GIGA FRR and FVC Indonesia Specs Comparison

Isuzu GIGA FRR specifications
LxWxH: 8.625 mm, 2.200 mm, 2.540 mm
Engine -TCC 4HK1 5193 cc with a power 190 / 2,600 (PS / rpm) and torque 52/1450 (PS / rpm)
Vehicle weight: 3,225 kg with a carrying capacity of 10,000 kg
Price: Rp340 million OTR Jakarta

Isuzu GIGA FVZ specifications
LxWxH: 8.365 mm, 2.400 mm, 2,860 mm
Engine 6HK1-TCS 7790 cc with a power 285/2400 (PS / rpm) and torque: 90/1450 (PS / rpm)
Vehicle weight: 6,490 kg with a carrying capacity reached 26,000 kg
Price: Rp690 million OTR Jakarta

Harga Isuzu GIGA FRR, Harga Isuzu GIGA FVC, Spesifikasi Isuzu GIGA FRR, Spesifikasi Isuzu GIGA FVC, Isuzu GIGA FRR Price, Isuzu GIGA FVC Price, Isuzu GIGA FRR Specifications, Isuzu GIGA FVC Specifications, Review Full Specs
Isuzu GIGA FRR, Isuzu GIGA FVC, Isuzu, Truck



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